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picture1_Computational Physics With Python Pdf 190422 | Notes Python Notes To Send

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File: Computational Physics With Python Pdf 190422 | Notes Python Notes To Send
semester 6 core course xii ph6 b19 computational physics 54 hrs 3 credits unit i introduction to python programming 20 hrs concept of high level language steps involved in the ...

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...Semester core course xii ph b computational physics hrs credits unit i introduction to python programming concept of high level language steps involved in the development a program compilers and interpreters advantages comparison with other languages different methods using as calculator writing programs execution inputs outputs variables operators expressions statements strings lists list functions len append insert del remove reverse sort max min count not sum sets set add union intersection symmetric difference tuples dictionaries conditionals iteration looping modules file input output pickling ii numerical are be discussed general between analytical techniques curve fitting principle least squares straight line interpolation finite operator newton s forward formula solution algebraic equations raphson method differentiation integration differnce table trapezoidal simpson differential runge kutta second order taylor series sin x cos iii approach one dimensional motion falling objec...

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