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File: Gabidulin
rank metric codes and applications ernst m gabidulin moscow institute of physics and technology state university email ernst gabidulin gmail com abstract the state of art for rank codes is ...

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...Rank metric codes and applications ernst m gabidulin moscow institute of physics technology state university email gmail com abstract the art for is represented theory are considered denition there exist two representations matrix representation vector represen tation in dened as subsets a normed space fn n rk q matrices over nite base eld f where norm to be algebraic this fq distance tween their dierence code minimal pairwise d min i j dimensional vectors an extension v qn column e maximal number coordinates which linearly independent between background coding may certain equipped with function most known hamming weight it turns out that elds can particular well inequalities sums b dene implicitly relations on all identical size explicitly concept was introduced by loo keng hua arithmetic philippe delsarte or set bilinear forms equivalently rectangular proposed construction optimal form spaces found connections were described fast decoding algorithms isomorphic isometrically let basis...

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