a o o yi o post graduate diploma in computer application semester i pgdca 01 fundamentals of computer 4 credits pgdca 02 introduction to operating systems 4 credits pgdca 03 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A o yi post graduate diploma in computer application semester i pgdca fundamentals of credits introduction to operating systems pc packages c programming ii system analysis and design credit object oriented database internet web page designing project viva total unit brief history development computers concepts characteristics capabilities limitations types basic components control alu input output functions memory ram rom eprom prom other storage units keyboard mouse trackball joystick digitizing tablet canners digital camera micr ocr omr barcode reader voice recognition light pen touch screen monitors monitor analog size resolution refresh rate interlaced non dot pitch video standard vga svga xga etc iii printers its matrix inkjet laser plotter sound card speakers primary vs secondary data retrieval methods sequential direct index various devices magnetic tape disks hard disk drives floppy optical flash mmc cards physical structure drive naming conventions iv use communication it pro...