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picture1_Microprocessor Lab Manual 190010 | Cse Lab Manual Microprocessor

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File: Microprocessor Lab Manual 190010 | Cse Lab Manual Microprocessor
department of computer science and engineering lab manual academic year 2015 16 odd semester programme ug pg ug b tech semester 03 course code cs1033 course title microprocessor interfacing lab ...

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...Department of computer science and engineering lab manual academic year odd semester programme ug pg b tech course code cs title microprocessor interfacing prepared by s kiruthika devi a p o g faculty technology srm university under section ugc act nagar kattankulathur kancheepuram district list experiments schedule exp no week programs bit addition subtraction multiplication division largest number in data array smallest bcd to hexadecimal vice versa binary conversion move block without overlap counters time delay basic arithmetic logical operations sorting searching transfer password checking print ram size system date c peripherals traffic light control stepper motor digital clock key board printer status coordinator hod hardware software requirements kit jubin simulator masm controller segment led display operating windows xp editions service pack server internal assessment mark split up observation marks attendance mini project with the report max pages students per batch model ex...

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