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picture1_Prolog Pdf 189929 | Pl Item Download 2023-02-03 16-35-02

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File: Prolog Pdf 189929 | Pl Item Download 2023-02-03 16-35-02
literate programming a prolog documentation with lt x e gerd neugebauer mainzer str 8 56321 rhens germany net gerd informatik uni koblenz de this document describes pl version 3 0 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Literate programming a prolog documentation with lt x e gerd neugebauer mainzer str rhens germany net informatik uni koblenz de this document describes pl version as of introduction inspired by the idea behind web system i felt need to have write documented programs but instead having transform common source into program or central was develop method one which can be interpreted aswell achive goal commands are hidden from enclosing them comments c allows two kinds rst kind starts and ends at end line is also comment for other seemed right way hide interpreter only problem dene starting sequence open com ment must an executable command well valid xcommand therstapproachwasto modifyboththeprologprogram style nd statement pre versions option took decision came up when author tried incorporate module requires that in declaration name possibly together list predicates exported restriction led approach taken later modules nearly no change has made dened xmacro theltxdocumentation driver file...

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