File: Computer Science Thesis Pdf 189604 | List Of Courses
list of courses 2015 16 department course total duration intake in years architecture b arch 80 5 m arch urban design 30 2 biotechnology m sc biotechnology 29 2 botanical ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...List of courses department course total duration intake in years architecture b arch m urban design biotechnology sc botanical environmental botany sciences hons school chemistry commerce com computer science c a three year mca fyic engineering technology tech s e education electronics comm engg specialization communication systems english food and full time diploma russian foreign languages french part certificate german japanese advanced religious studies guru nanak philosophy phil ram dass planning regional master infrastructure hindi p g translation history human genetics ll tyc laws one library information lib mathematics microbiology fermentation microbial molecular biology biochemistry music vocal instrumental inst pharmaceutical pharmacy physical bachelor ed physics political psychology mental health counselling month internship punjab economics business mbe sanskrit pali prakrit social punjabi sociology masters physiotherapy sports mpt medicine physiothe...