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picture1_Measure Pdf Online 189372 | Sas Cheat Sheet

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File: Measure Pdf Online 189372 | Sas Cheat Sheet
sas cheat sheet data statement proc statement 1 modifying data numerical changes 1 structure of the data data libname newdata proc contents libname dataset set libname olddata run format x ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sas cheat sheet data statement proc modifying numerical changes structure of the libname newdata contents dataset set olddata run format x y log age height to view in output window string functions print new get length variable var len concatenate two variables observe first obs remove extraneous spaces strip compress substring sorting extract objects from position by substr sort upcase lowcase descending extraction a scan descriptive statistics result filtering means lib for specific measure keep drop mean old condition date where sex f day month year qtr weekday mdy z class today know end when start and duration is known intnx unit week summary e out s given intck if then else sql action create table dataname as select source quit distinct count merging cnt m merge c using not...

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