File: Certification Pdf 189302 | 4 Iis 2018 122 131
https doi org 10 48009 4 iis 2018 122 131 issues in information systems volume 19 issue 4 pp 122 131 2018 helping students prepare for microsoft office specialist certification ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Https doi org iis issues in information systems volume issue pp helping students prepare for microsoft office specialist certification exams thomas l ngo ye alabama state university tngoye alasu edu jae j choi pittsburg jchoi pittstate dexter gittens dgittens abstract is an important skill all business major and this demanded by many employers mos issued validates one s skills productivity applications provides objective proof of the individual mastery such paper we report how teach help to pass also share our experience undertaking exam program at institution provide detailed steps tips implementing study will other faculties who are considering identify what expect pitfalls avoid overall believe that beneficial because it technical credential boost their computer self efficacy improve career perspective useful higher education institutions metric demonstrate added value keywords become a certiport authorized testing center catc introduction modern society technology has indispensable...