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picture1_High Performance Python Pdf 189298 | Dace Python

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File: High Performance Python Pdf 189298 | Dace Python
productivity portability performance data centric python alexandros nikolaos ziogas timo schneider tal ben nun alexandru calotoiu tiziano de matteis johannes de fine licht luca lavarini and torsten hoefler department of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Productivity portability performance data centric python alexandros nikolaos ziogas timo schneider tal ben nun alexandru calotoiu tiziano de matteis johannes fine licht luca lavarini and torsten hoefler department of computer science eth zurich switzerland abstract has become the facto language for scientific computing programminginpythonishighlyproductive mainlyduetoitsrich oriented software ecosystem built around numpy mod ule asaresult thedemandforpythonsupportinhighperformance hpc hasskyrocketed however itself does not necessarily offer high in this work we present a workflow that retains s while achieving portable across different architectures key features are extensions set automatic optimizations powered by inter mediate representation show results scaling cpu gpu fpga piz daint supercomputer up to cores with x speedups over previous best solutions first ever xilinx intel annotated efficiency on nodes figure overview ccsconcepts softwareanditsengineering parallelprogramminglan ...

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