Collin College - Continuing Education COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE INFORMATION Course Number: CPGM 6345 Course Title: Beginning Programming 2 with Python Course Description: Continue to build on Beginning Programming 1 Python concepts. Suggested Course Prerequisite(s): Beginning Programming 1 with Python, or experience with programming in Python including familiarity with Python's built-in data types (including lists, tuples, and dictionaries), conditional and flow-of-control structures (including if / elif / else, for, and while), and input / output functions. Course Resources: (Optional, not required) Murach’s Python Programming by Michael Urban and Joel Murach, 978-1890774974 Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-based ...
CS 231 Naomi Nishimura Python guide 1 The sections below (and those in Python guide 2) indicate Python material, the degree to which it will be used in the course, and various resources you can use for review. You are not expected to use all the resources, just the ones that suit your needs most. The course website lists additional Python resources, should you nd them a preferable way to review the material. One possible way of reviewing is to try the exercises in Python from scratch, and then to use other resources to review any material that requires a ...
CSCI233.7RB: APPLICATION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COURSE SYLLABUS: Spring 2021 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Thomas L. Brown, Adjunct Professor Office Location: Journalism 202 Office Hours: Tue & Thu 2:00 + appointments Office Phone: 903.886.5409 Office Fax: 903.886.5404 University Email Address: Preferred Form of Communication: email; and Communication Response Time: next class day (or before) COURSE INFORMATION Textbook: Urban, Michael and Joel Murach. Python Programming. Fresno, CA: Murach Books, ISBN 978-1890774-97-4. Other Recommended Texts and/or Materials: Python development environment available in the CSci labs and as a freeware download from ...
Continue Murach's python programming solutions Click any chapter heading to show or hide its contents. Why Python works so well that the first programming language Three types of applications Python The source code for a python console application compiles and runs the source code works disk storage and the main memory together use IDLE to develop programs use the interactive shell is working with the source files is compiling and running a program fix the syntax and run errors encode the declarations encode the comments are used use functions work with types data and variables are assigned values to ...