File: Python Fundamentals Pdf 188536 | Cetpa Python Course Content
cetpa infotech pvt ltd curriculum of python introduction looping and iteration the for loop why do we need python the while loop program structure loop else statement interactive shell nested ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cetpa infotech pvt ltd curriculum of python introduction looping and iteration the for loop why do we need while program structure else statement interactive shell nested loops executable or script files break continue user interface ide range function getting started to functions history modules application advantages using a disadvantages types installing importing in programs fundamentals invoking s built working with random mode defined character set tokens w r t udf keywords identifiers literals operators variables assignments flow execution input output arguments parameters default named data handling scope string manipulation numbers strings lists accessing individual elements tuples dictionary slices mutable immutable methods list arithmetic relational logical creating precedence evaluating expression type casting joining conditional replicating constructs slicing if statements elif file operations opening other tools exception tuple handler catching exceptions dictionaries rai...