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picture1_Basics Of Programming Pdf 188284 | Aspapps

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File: Basics Of Programming Pdf 188284 | Aspapps
answersetprogramming atourfromthebasicsto advanceddevelopmenttools and industrial applications nicola leone and francesco ricca department of mathematics and computer science university of calabria italy leone ricca mat unical it abstract answer set programming ...

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...Answersetprogramming atourfromthebasicsto advanceddevelopmenttools and industrial applications nicola leone francesco ricca department of mathematics computer science university calabria italy mat unical it abstract answer set programming asp is a powerful rule based language forknowledgerepresentationandreasoningthathasbeendevelopedintheeldof logic nonmonotonic reasoning after more than twenty years from the introduction theoretical properties are well understood solving technology has become mature for practical appli cations in this paper we rst present basics then concentrate on its usage knowledge representation real worldcontexts inparticular wereportonthedevelopmentofsomeindustry level with system dlv illustrate two advanced develop menttoolsforasp namelyaspideandjdlv whichspeed upandsimplifythe implementation that been developed eld features disjunction heads non monotonic negation bodies aggregate atoms concise mod eling complex combinatorial problems weak constraints declarat...

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