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picture1_Ethics Pdf 188230 | Ug Item Download 2023-02-02 17-54-15

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File: Ethics Pdf 188230 | Ug Item Download 2023-02-02 17-54-15
bca i semester code subject marks internal main total bca 11 fundamental of computers information technology 25 75 100 bca 12 programming in c 25 75 100 bca 13 communicative ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Bca i semester code subject marks internal main total fundamental of computers information technology programming in c communicative english and professional ethics financial accounting pc packages lab fundamentals unit computer characteristics evolution generation basic organization input output cpu classification applications memory primary ram rom prom eprom eeprom secondary storage devices its types hierarchy ii keyboard mouse scanner etc monitor printer impact non plotter configuration software need system application utility operating functions type systems overview popular ms dos windows linux android files directory structure naming rules iii number binary decimal octal hexadecimal s complement fixed point representation arithmetic operation on numbers overflow underflow floating codes ascii bcd ebcdic iv data communication simplex half duplex full protocols channels twisted coaxial fiber optic serial parallel modem working network connections dialup leased lines isdn dsl rf br...

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