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picture1_Hello World Pdf 188121 | Pl Sql Preview

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File: Hello World Pdf 188121 | Pl Sql Preview
learn pl sql in 1 day by krishna rungta copyright 2019 all rights reserved krishna rungta all rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in ...

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...Learn pl sql in day by krishna rungta copyright all rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted any form whatsoever electronic mechanical including photocopying recording informational storage retrieval system without express written dated and signed permission from the author table content chapter what is introduction architecture advantage using vs t key differences difference between block structure syntax anonymous example types first program hello world plus connecting to database how write a simple declaring usage variables comments oracle data character number boolean date lob datatypes type variable identifiers tutorial with examples properties naming conventions an identifier declaration storing collections varrays nested index tables collection constructor initialization concept methods records if then else statement elsif are decision making statements case searched loop loops control basic labeling for while stored procedure functions termin...

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