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picture1_Compiler Construction Pdf 187732 | Lect02 2x2

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File: Compiler Construction Pdf 187732 | Lect02 2x2
software engineering for compilers josef svenningsson testing compilers compiler construction spring 2014 trusting the compiler establishing compiler correctness bugs alternatives whenndingabug gotogreatlengthstonditinourowncode proving the correctness of a compiler is prohibitively ...

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...Software engineering for compilers josef svenningsson testing compiler construction spring trusting the establishing correctness bugs alternatives whenndingabug gotogreatlengthstonditinourowncode proving of a is prohibitively most programmers trust to generate correct code expensive themostimportant task however see compcert project only viable option randomtesting use unit they have big collection example programs which are used generating random inputs and check output each program expected stored in test usedbye g quickcheck suite wheneveranewbugisfound anewexampleprogramis added this known as regression using means source language writing good generators very difcult different parts might need remembertotestyourcompiler theparser needs strings but be skewed usetheprovided towards syntactically order useful write your own tests thetype checker generator can type with high probablity it hard know what execution weneedanothercompilerorinterpreter againts whatif generated doesn t termi...

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