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File: Project3
cs348 project 3 overview in this project you are going to use pl sql oracle s procedural extension to sql to write a few functions and procedures to process data ...

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...Cs project overview in this you are going to use pl sql oracle s procedural extension write a few functions and procedures process data will need your account as did for storing step setup the schema database is same that used i e student snum integer sname string deptid slevel age class cname meets at date room fid enrolled faculty fname department dname location if have tables from previous drop all five using command table x where name of keep mind correct order avoid referential integrity errors g before etc create with key constraints necessary model application make sure field names correspond those listed above then populate by executing file provided named first line should be set serveroutput on size contain code run pro report stats histogram enroll description each procedure below look something like or replace declarations begin end actually generate lists students print followed number next numbered list output modeled follows sort ascending sample computer sciences total ...

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