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picture1_Gof Design Patterns Pdf 187323 | Kounoukla Patterns Game Mechanics

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File: Gof Design Patterns Pdf 187323 | Kounoukla Patterns Game Mechanics
implementing game mechanics with gof design patterns 1 2 1 xeni christina kounoukla apostolos ampatzoglou konstantinos anagnostopoulos 1 department of computer science mediterranean college thessaloniki greece 2 department of mathematics ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Implementing game mechanics with gof design patterns xeni christina kounoukla apostolos ampatzoglou konstantinos anagnostopoulos department of computer science mediterranean college thessaloniki greece mathematics and university groningen netherlands x mc class gr a rug nl kanagnostopoulos medcollege edu abstract is used to characterize any recurring solution common prob i e rules logic inher lem in the context development appear two ently involves high volumes required complexity which turn major forms gang four are intro leads introduction accidental g long duced at detailed implementation phase solve methods code repetition etc thus usually games suffer from object oriented issues b poor quality attributes such as maintainability flexibility also known correspond weakened possible for this shortcoming reusable parts each one these types reuse well software engineering practices introduces different benefits useful not only that applicable on hand represent problems most set applicat...

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