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picture1_Computer Science Thesis Pdf 187303 | Computer Science Ug Syllabus

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File: Computer Science Thesis Pdf 187303 | Computer Science Ug Syllabus
value added and add on courses for b sc computr science three years program academic session 2020 21 department of computer science ravenshaw university cuttack 753003 value added courses subject ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Value added and add on courses for b sc computr science three years program academic session department of computer ravenshaw university cuttack subject code name end term marks credit va web scripting pl sql multimedia ao office management objectives students will gain the skills project based experience needed entry into application development careers to learn fundamentals designing design develop standard interactive pages some popular languages outcome are able a dynamic webpage by use java script dhtml be write well formed valid xml document connect dbms perform insert update delete operations table server side called servlet catch form data sent from client process it store database jsp unit i html features basic structure an creating mark up tags heading paragraphs line breaks elements working with text lists tables frames hyperlink imagesand forms controls cascading style sheets css concepts sheet properties styling background format controlling fonts scripts simple variables ...

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