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picture1_08 Plsql

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File: 08 Plsql
oracle pl sql john ortiz overview of pl sql oracle s procedural language extension to sql support many programming language features if then else loops subroutines program units written in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Oracle pl sql john ortiz overview of s procedural language extension to support many programming features if then else loops subroutines program units written in can be compiled and stored db used code is portable across all operating systems that does not ddl lecture block a contains logically related statements three sections typical declare type variable function procedure begin exception handling end sample one print message indicating student cs major name students select into from where sid cont dbms output put line each with execute programs save the file plus start enable screen set serveroutput on or place at beginning declaration average gpa number no depts constant null employee varchar state char done boolean default true time data types built simple ebinary integer enatural epositive elong character string up bytes eboolean false enumber n m date same as their counterparts using an existing column ev...

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