melbourne cshe teaching and learning short guide series multiple choice questions an introductory guide elisa bone and mike prosser multiple choice questions mcqs continue to part 1 role and function ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Melbourne cshe teaching and learning short guide series multiple choice questions an introductory elisa bone mike prosser mcqs continue to part role function of be relied upon for the efficient assessment can used play a wide variety roles students in higher education however our they use has not been without criticism lectures online activities provide feedback poor design testing only lower level their clickers polls within outcomes such as information recall large classes periodic encouraging focus on these rote key providing reproductive approaches are immediate formative among criticisms each staff efficiently cover range mitigated with close attention topics reliably objectively marked purpose or scored need marking rubric curriculum this focusses addressing development bank items issues helping make appropriate software more valid reliable student different test supporting productive first addresses but where we will discuss three stand out research scholarship into aspects rela...