File: Computer Programming Pdf 186559 | Python Notes(sc)
B.Sc. (Computer Science) III - YEAR/ V - SEMESTER THEORY PAPER – VI (Elective - IC) Programming in Python Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination Total durations Hrs : ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...B sc computer science iii year v semester theory paper vi elective ic programming in python scheme of instruction examination total durations hrs max marks hours week t p internal credits sbt mode lecture practical external course code bs c exam duration objectives to prepare the students with knowledge concepts outcomes on completion student will be able do basic gain cgi and gui unit i introduction what is features environment set up installing running documentation structure a program basics input statement output variables operators numbers literals strings lists tuples dictionaries ii conditionals loops functions if else elif while for break continue pass built user defined defining function calling various arguments files modules advanced file objects methods attributes standard command line namespaces importing module packages classes declaration inheritance regular expressions iv database connectivity tkinter example widges geometry management architecture first http header get...