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picture1_Programming Pdf 186527 | Programming Paradigms 280920 Handout

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File: Programming Pdf 186527 | Programming Paradigms 280920 Handout
overview good code paradigms outlook programming paradigms 1 2 kilian lieret mentors 3 3 sebastien ponce enric tejedor 1 ludwig maximilian university 2 excellence cluster origins 3 cern 28 september ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Overview good code paradigms outlook programming kilian lieret mentors sebastien ponce enric tejedor ludwig maximilian university excellence cluster origins cern september lecture pps monday design patterns dps tuesday exercise consultation time thursday all material at github com klieret icsc and the goal of this course does not try to make you a better programmer but it convey basic concepts vocabulary your decisions more consciously thinking while coding reflecting after experience great what is paradigm aclassification languages based on their features most popular support multiple aprogramming style or way example object oriented in terms objects which contain data many common some extent c python why should i care discover new ways challenge current believes about how choose right for problem pick best worlds problems too formal definitions can be hard grasp sometimes impractical loose meaningless comparing different requires knowledge both if hammer everything looks like nail ap...

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