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picture1_Programming Pdf 186424 | Oasics Slate 2020 14

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File: Programming Pdf 186424 | Oasics Slate 2020 14
yet another programming exercises interoperability language jose carlos paiva cracs inesc la porto portugal dcc fcup porto portugal jose c paiva inesctec pt ricardo queiros cracs inesc la porto portugal ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Yet another programming exercises interoperability language jose carlos paiva cracs inesc la porto portugal dcc fcup c inesctec pt ricardo queiros unimad esmad polytechnic of http www ricardoqueiros com ipp paulo leal https fc up zp jakub swacha university szczecin poland usz edu pl abstract this paper introduces yapexil a json format that aims to support several kinds behind traditional blank sheet activities capitalize on expressiveness and constitute strong candidate standard open end it builds upon an existing named pexil by mitigating its weaknesses extending for handful exercise types is published as independent from any commercial vendor supported with dedicated source software acm subject classication applied computing computer managed instruction interactive learning environments e keywords phrases automated assessment digital object identier oasics slate category short funding based the work done within framework gamied education project european union s erasmus plus programm...

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