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picture1_Python Pdf 186347 | 28 Computer Science

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File: Python Pdf 186347 | 28 Computer Science
computer sceince class xi theory paper one paper 3 hours 7o marks unit no unit name marks 1 computer fundamentals 10 2 problem solving 07 3 introduction to python 30 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Computer sceince class xi theory paper one hours o marks unit no name fundamentals problem solving introduction to python programming with emerging trends and societal impacts a minimum of periods including practicals i chapter system computing evolution devices data information types functional components their interconnections transfer through systembus memory units primary secondary deletion its recovery related security concerns microprocessor features size word clock speed microcontrollers software purpose application operating language translators device drivers tools generic specific classification languages high level machine os need for brief functions user interface encoding schemes number american standard code interchange ascii unicode indian script iscii decimal binary octal hexadecimal converting from another fractional part ii cycle analyzing designing algorithm implementation coding testing the solution algorithms what is an in characteristics representation using flowc...

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