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picture1_Python Pdf 186146 | 1 Item Download 2023-02-01 23-21-02

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File: Python Pdf 186146 | 1 Item Download 2023-02-01 23-21-02
a p p e n d i x a porting code to python 3 with 2to3 virtually all python 2 programs need at least some tweaking to run properly under ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A p e n d i x porting code to python with virtually all programs need at least some tweaking run properly under help this transition comes utility script called which takes your actual source as input and auto converts much it can chapter described how the showed things t fix automatically appendix documents what print statement in was whatever you wanted simply followed keyword is function want pass like any other shown table notes end sys stderr file blank line call without arguments single value one argument two values separated by space little tricky if ended comma would spaces trailing then stop printing carriage return way do defaults so overriding will suppress after could redirect output pipe such using name syntax stdout standard out different instead unicode string literals had types strings non has type u papayawhip ur foo r are converted into always raw does not escape backslashes global functions coerce objects them str only no longer exists see anything long datatype sepa...

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