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picture1_Python Pdf 186102 | Chapter04

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File: Python Pdf 186102 | Chapter04
the string data type python programming the most common use of personal an introduction to computers is word processing computer science text is represented in programs by the string data ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The string data type python programming most common use of personal an introduction to computers is word processing computer science text represented in programs by chapter a sequence characters computing with strings enclosed within quotation marks or apostrophes coming up ccoommiinngg uupp eexxaammpplleess examples newline str hello create return it spam you can add character n print think as produced when press key newspaper at door mary john njohn yes nmary your car on fire nneewwlliinnee ssttrriinngg lliinnee ccoonnttiinnuuaattiioonn line continuation triple quotes very long may want define tells include multiple lines for this and do not need useful if have large block formatted just look rather containing several would c usage thingy note that whitespace beginning h display message significant hostname connect...

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