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picture1_18bcs23c U5

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File: 18bcs23c U5
unit v chapter xi pointers 11 1 introduction a pointer is a derived data type in c iv pointers are helpful in traversing through pointers contains memory addresses as arrays ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit v chapter xi pointers introduction a pointer is derived data type in c iv are helpful traversing through contains memory addresses as arrays and character strings the their values also of characters terminated by null variable whose value act references to different address another i e direct types objects such variables location functions structures etc we use like any or constant you must reference declare before using it store vi storage saves space can be used access vii may pass on manipulate stored advantages arguments function make programs simple viii passing lot reduce length because only ii allocation de array instead all during execution elements an which would mean program copies thus instruments taking dynamic management ix construct iii enhance speed linked lists queues stacks accessing operator immediately preceding include returns associated with void main example p quantity int x assign float char clrscr element printf d at addr u n pointing constants f illegal na...

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