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picture1_Programming Pdf 185768 | 2170701

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File: Programming Pdf 185768 | 2170701
gujarat technological university subject name compiler design subject code 2170701 b e 7th semester type of course core prerequisite data structures and algorithms theory of computation rationale compiler design is ...

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...Gujarat technological university subject name compiler design code b e th semester type of course core prerequisite data structures and algorithms theory computation rationale is a fundamental computer engineering it teaches how programming language works also focuses on various designs structuring optimizing phases necessary to learn types grammar finite state machines lex yacc related concepts languages teaching examination scheme credits marks total l t p c practical ese pa m v ala oep i content sr no weightage hrs overview the translation process simple difference between interpreter assembler use linker loader analysis source program cousins grouping lexical hard coding automatic generation analyzers front end back pass structure analyzer introduction input buffering specification tokens recognition for specifying automata from regular expression generator optimization dfa parsing top down bottom up operator precedence lr parsers using ambiguous grammars parser generators syntax d...

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