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picture1_Programming Pdf 185514 | 22316 Chapter1 Q N A

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File: Programming Pdf 185514 | 22316 Chapter1 Q N A
object oriented pragramming 22316 chapter 1 principles of object oriented programming 14 marks q1 give characteristics of object oriented programming or give features of object oriented programming ans 1 emphasis ...

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...Object oriented pragramming chapter principles of programming marks q give characteristics or features ans emphasis focus is on data rather than procedure programs are divided into what known as objects hidden and can not be access by external functions may communicate with each other through new easily added when ever necessary follows bottom up approach in design do you meant language enlist any six languages oop a paradigm that uses to applications computer include such abstraction encapsulation modularity polymorphism inheritance c java simula pascal smalltalk net objective list real time system simulation modelling hypertext hypermedia decision support cam cae cad office automation artificial intelligence expert explain the term example how they created basic runtime entities an unit represent person place bank account table item program has handle class variables mango apple grapes fruit syntax create where name this will type define declaration examples collection similar classe...

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