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...Compulers educ vol no pp i printed in great britain all rights reserved copyright g pergamon press ltd structured programming techniques a study of relative complexity some considerations m er ics department kfupm box dhahran saudi arabia zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbazyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba received october accepted april abstract this paper examines previous empirical on the and finds that five solutions contain errors although they are based nassi schneiderman diagrams course invalidate results an elegant solution to multi level control break reporting logic problem is then presented introduction recently published fl headrick fowler report investigating chosen known as which has something do with conditional data processing setting it somehow believed different when applied solving same using nesting if statements ioops may yield levels affect program comprehension software maintainability their theory correct implies better teach students good least so can inherit styles investigat...