tech report fsu16 14 v3 roptlib an object oriented c library for optimization on riemannian manifolds wen huang p a absil k a gallivan paul hand may 11 2018 abstract ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Tech report fsu v roptlib an object oriented c library for optimization on riemannian manifolds wen huang p a absil k gallivan paul hand may abstract is the task of nding optimum real valued function dened manifold has been topic much interest over past few years due to many applications including computer vision signal processing and numerical linear algebra substantial background required successfully design ap ply algorithms signicant impediment potential users therefore multiple packages such as manopt in matlab pymanopt python have developed this paper describes unlike prior simultaneously achieves following goals i it user friendly interfaces julia ii do not need implement algorithm related objects iii provides ecient computational time its core iv implements state art generic quasi newtonalgorithms based programming allowing rapidly add new keywords non convex orthogonal constraints sym metric positive denite matrices low rank interface introduction concerns optimizing f m minf ...