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File: Makefiles
makeles for dummies luca abeni luca abeni unitn it march 3 2008 abstract these short notes describe how to easily write makeles for compiling c c projects composed by multiple ...

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...Makeles for dummies luca abeni unitn it march abstract these short notes describe how to easily write compiling c projects composed by multiple les introduction manage the complexity of code sources large software are often organised in dierent a single le corresponds soft ware module groups source can be compiled independently and resulting objects then linked together obtaining nal executable particular containing h describing interfaces each is with used headers obtain o object some libraries standard make program tool designed automate this build process keeping track dependencies between executables recompiling only when really needed behaviour controlled through makefile con taining description all building rules compile informally speaking makele collection instruc tions that should followed your big dierence using respect shell script modied command able instead as other word will recompiled few compilation commands possible achieve goal you need supply various types list form ...

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