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picture1_Ijcrt 182055

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File: Ijcrt 182055
effective learning on efficiency of algorithms through puzzle based learning rashmi k b yashaswini h m dr roopa r department of ise department of ise department of ise bms college ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Effective learning on efficiency of algorithms through puzzle based rashmi k b yashaswini h m dr roopa r department ise bms college engineering nitte meenakshi institute technology bangalore india rashmikb bmsce ac in hm nmit abstract the present scenario an extremely competitive world there is a need proficient graduates who are able to deal with real problems but traditional method teaching was lagged address this issue as students were limited known textbook concepts and solutions hence outcome education comes into picture which makes more knowledgeable skillful capable facing scenarios by evaluating specific outcomes process student centered we have adopted one such for course analysis design respect different techniques these play vital role designing analyzing efficient terms time space complexities prepare apply analyze applications inculcated environment paper discuss implemented evaluation rubrics led enhance cognitive skills been measured using indirect survey keywords i intr...

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