File: Programming Pdf 184654 | 5 S Ii Information Technology (entire)
Accredited By NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Revised Syllabus For B.Sc. Information Technology (Entire) (Semester- III and IV) Syllabus to be implemented from June 2019 onwards. B.Sc. (Information ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Accredited by naac with a grade revised syllabus for b sc information technology entire semester iii and iv to be implemented from june onwards part ii course title of paper work code load dsc object oriented advanced programming operating system linux web using html data structure c i cyber security essentials electronics mathematics lab v based on cc vi vii viii theory hrs lectures minutes marks credits outcome upon successful completion this students should able understand features identify problems apply paradigm designs analyze the functionality program written in an objectoriented language such as unit introduction concepts need characteristics approach design basic oop difference between procedure process compilation execution terminology tokens keywords character set constants identifiers operators types reference variable looping branching statements input output streams arrays dynamic memory allocation new delete library functions user defined function parameter passing mecha...