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picture1_Python Pdf 184568 | Unit2 Item Download 2023-02-01 06-19-02

picture2_Python Pdf 184568 | Unit2 Item Download 2023-02-01 06-19-02 picture3_Python Pdf 184568 | Unit2 Item Download 2023-02-01 06-19-02

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File: Python Pdf 184568 | Unit2 Item Download 2023-02-01 06-19-02
Unit –II Python Basics, Syntax and Style Variable Assignment, Identifiers. Numbers: Introduction to Numbers, Integers, Floating Point Real Numbers, Complex Numbers, Operators, Built-in Functions. Strings: Strings and Operators, String-only ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit ii python basics syntax and style variable assignment identifiers numbers introduction to integers floating point real complex operators built in functions strings string only methods special features of lists list type tuples tuple operator the equal sign is main others are augmented anint astring cart afloat anotherstring shop ping alist chaining together assignments y x can be combined with an arithmetic operation resulting value reassigned existing known as now written multiple z multuple a set valid that allowed names computer language form construct such reserved words may not used for any other purpose or else error syntaxerror exception will occur rules identifier like most high level programming languages come from c world first character must letter underscore additional characters alphanumeric case sensitive no begin number symbols than ever easiest way deal underscores consider them alphabetic sensitivity means foo different both those provide literal scalar storage di...
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