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picture1_Python Pdf 184526 | 19cs2801d

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File: Python Pdf 184526 | 19cs2801d
introduction to python programming inter disciplinary elective iii offering ce me eee ece it course code 19cs2801d branches course ide credits 3 category course type theory lecture tutorial practical 3 ...

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...Introduction to python programming inter disciplinary elective iii offering ce me eee ece it course code csd branches ide credits category type theory lecture tutorial practical continuous evaluation prerequisites semester end total marks outcomes upon successful completion of the student will be able co understand basic constructs l apply solve problems packages write programs for a given application analyze and choose appropriate data structure solving syllabus content features writing executing first program unit literal constants variables identifiers reserved words types input operation operators expressions operations on strings conversion conditional statements iterative functions in built math user defined function call variable scope lifetime return statement lambda recursive file handling string slice comparing iterating regular open close read structures lists accessing values nested list tuples creating tuple tupleoperations dictionaries dictionary vs numpy create reshape s...

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