freescale semiconductor document number an4835 application note rev 1 05 2014 production flash programming best practices for kinetis k and l series mcus by melissa hunter contents 1 introduction 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Freescale semiconductor document number an application note rev production flash programming best practices for kinetis k and l series mcus by melissa hunter contents introduction this describes recommended steps types on interfaces devices there are different options available the physical interface used communicating with microcontroller to program also multiple other considerations commands that can be modify common problems will discuss further reading provide sequences minimize issues when revision history decrease times target audience is anyone developing hardware software or a debugger support although some of information in might useful controlled field firmware updates topic not explicitly covered all use thin film storage tfs however depending particular device could ftfa ftfl ftfe module inc table below shows differences between modules comparison found processors kb less more longword bit section phrase eee supported no yes swap bus handshake wait states attempting mcm pla...