c notes the struct definition a precursor to oop one of the main distinctions between c and c is that c allows user defined classes as part of its support ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...C notes the struct definition a precursor to oop one of main distinctions between and is that allows user defined classes as part its support ood was introduced before ideas were fully developed so it does not provide true class definitions associated concepts encapsulation inheritance polymorphism but simple earlier version called programmer define structured data item with multiple named fields structs can contain pointers be used implement structures don t include functions operate on do full functionality for example you cannot build abstract type adt using like or java defining single variable x three int b note in this no identifier provided immediately following keyword while right brace semicolon ends significance will discussed below datatype from rec an instance y placed after opening left starts previous became name had official case given created if has later statement create becomes improved s little awkward have use phrase instead just we alias typedef value vs pointer se...