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picture1_Assembly Language Pdf 184327 | Pdfchap05

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File: Assembly Language Pdf 184327 | Pdfchap05
chapter 5 assembly language two types of bit patterns instructions mnemonics for opcodes letters for addressing modes data pseudo ops also called dot commands figure 5 1 aaa addressing mode ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter assembly language two types of bit patterns instructions mnemonics for opcodes letters addressing modes data pseudo ops also called dot commands figure aaa mode immediate i direct d indirect n stack relative s deferred sf indexed x sx sxf instruction mnemonic status specifier bits stop execution u rettr return from trap movspa move sp toa movflga nzvc flags a br branch unconditional brle if less than or equal to brlt breq brne not brge greater brgt brv ifv brc c call subroutine r notr bitwise invert nz negr negate nzv aslr arithmetic shift left asrr right nzc rolr rotate rorr nn nopn unary no operation nop nonunary deci decimal input deco output stro string chari character charo nnn retn with local bytes addsp add pointer subsp subtract raaa addr subr andr bitwiseand orr cpr compare ldr load memory ldbyter byte str store stbyter...

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