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picture1_Python Pdf 183796 | 20mca21c U1

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File: Python Pdf 183796 | 20mca21c U1
python programming 20mca21c unit i introduction to python faculty dr r a roseline m sc m phil ph d associate professor and head post graduate and research department of computer ...

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...Python programming mcac unit i introduction to faculty dr r a roseline m sc phil ph d associate professor and head post graduate research department of computer applications government arts college autonomous coimbatore syllabus overview getting started with identifiers reserved keywords variables standard data types operators statement expression string operations boolean expressions control statements iteration while input ii functions built in composition user defined parameters arguments function calls the returnstatement recursive anonymous writing scripts iii strings compound len slices traversal formatting lists values accessing elements are mutable traversing deleting methods iv tuples creating assignment as return variable length argument basic tuple dictionaries dictionary updating properties keys exceptions v classes objects oop object oriented class definitions attributes inheritance method overloading text books e balagurusamy computing problem solving using mcgraw hill ed...

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