chapter 2 tokens and python s lexical structure the rst step towards wisdom is calling things by their right names chinese proverb chapter objectives learn the syntax and semantics of ...
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...Chapter tokens and python s lexical structure the rst step towards wisdom is calling things by their right names chinese proverb objectives learn syntax semantics of ve categories how joins lines processes indentation to translate code into technical terms ebnf rules concerning analysis introduction we begin our study learning about its com uses symbols punctuation primarily prises use descriptions specify which are overviewed in table as continue explore will that all more complex language features built from these same fact phase interpreter reads a sequence pythontranslates characters translates them classifying each corresponding category this operation called tokenization end one know analyze complete program lexically identifying categorizing identier programmer denes operators operate on data produce results delimiters grouping assignment binding literals values classied types e g numbers truth text comments documentation for programmers reading tokensandpython slexicalstructure...