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picture1_Python Pdf 183541 | Oneday Machinelearningclassification

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File: Python Pdf 183541 | Oneday Machinelearningclassification
machine learning classification models in python overview this hands on programming based data science course is a sequel to cognitir s introduction to data science course it will provide an ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Machine learning classification models in python overview this hands on programming based data science course is a sequel to cognitir s introduction it will provide an of modern algorithms that analysts portfolio managers traders and chief investment officers should understand given the improved ability capture analyze explore methods including neural networks decision trees which are among most effective techniques deep technique has significantly increased performance over last years heavily used industry also included at end workshop participants be comfortable applying language build common evaluate interpret their accuracies what offers core how use them solve real world problems finance experience notes certificate completion post seminar email support for year engaging practical training approach with qualified instructor relevant technical business educational experiences who individuals working or needing specifically equivalent required contact information prerequisites prere...

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