File: Programming Pdf 183446 | Language Translators Student Notes
student notes theory language translators a high and low level languages programming languages low level languages high level languages example assembly language example pascal basic java characteristics of low level ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Student notes theory language translators a high and low level languages programming example assembly pascal basic java characteristics of they are machine oriented an program written for one will not work on any other type unless happen to use the same processor chip each statement generally translates into code instruction therefore becomes long time consuming create lda add sta in portable meaning that run which appropriate compiler or interpreter is available problem most have structures facilities particular fortran was developed solving mathematical problems some such as were general purpose statements usually resemble english sentences expressions these tend be easier learn understand than translated several instructions number b generations th generation gls rd nd st page k aquilina early days computer all programs had short might look like this has significant disadvantages associated it intuitively obvious what does simply from its encoding consequently very difficult read wr...