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oops programming questions in java programming questions on oops concepts in java oops concept questions in java advanced java oops interview questions oops program example in java basic oops interview ...

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                                                                       Oops	programming	questions	in	java
  Programming	questions	on	oops	concepts	in	java.	Oops	concept	questions	in	java.	Advanced	java	oops	interview	questions.	Oops	program	example	in	java.	Basic	oops	interview	questions	in	java.	Oops	programming	interview	questions	in	java.	Oops	in	java	questions.	
  The	design	-oriented	design	only	started	from	the	moment	when	the	computers	were	invented.	Programming	was	there	and	the	programming	approach	appeared	in	the	picture.	Programming	is	essentially	certain	instructions	for	the	computer.	At	the	beginning	of	the	computer	time,	programming	was	usually	limited	to	the	programming	of	machine
  languages.	The	language	of	the	machine	consists	of	instructions	that	are	characteristic	of	a	certain	machine	or	a	certain	processor	in	the	form	of	0	s	and	1	s.	These	are	bite	sequences	(0100110	...).	However,	it	is	quite	difficult	to	write	a	program	or	to	develop	software	on	the	computer.	In	fact,	it	is	not	possible	to	develop	the	software	used	in	modern
  scenarios	with	bite	sequences.	This	was	the	main	reason	why	programmers	switched	to	the	next	generation	of	programs	and	developed	assemblers	who	were	close	enough	in	English	to	understand	it	easily.	These	assembly	discussions	were	used	in	microprocessors.	With	the	invention	of	the	microprocessor,	the	assembly	tongue	flourished	and	ruled
  the	industry,	but	that	was	not	enough.	Here,	too,	programmers	came	something	new,	i.e.	H.	Programming	structured	and	procedural	programming.	Structured	programming	-	The	basic	principle	of	a	structured	programming	approach	is	the	distribution	of	the	program	into	functions	and	modules.	The	use	of	modules	and	functions	makes	the	program
  more	understandable	and	readable.	It	helps	to	write	a	cleaner	code	and	get	functions	and	module	control.	This	approach	receives	functions	and	not	data.	It	focuses	on	the	development	of	large	software	applications,	for	example	C	was	used	for	the	development	of	the	modern	operating	system.	Programming	languages:	Pascal	(introduced	Niklaus
  Wirth)	and	C	(introduced	by	Dennis	Ritchi)	follow	this	approach.	Procedure	programming	approach	This	approach	is	also	known	as	the	top	down.	In	this	approach,	the	program	is	divided	into	functions	that	perform	special	tasks.	This	approach	is	mainly	used	for	medium	-sized	applications.	The	data	is	global	and	all	functions	can	access	global	data.
  Processes	for	programming	approaches	for	the	basic	framework	after	the	data	has	not	been	provided	because	the	data	is	global	and	can	be	accessed	by	any	function.	The	program	management	flow	is	achieved	through	feature	calls	and	Gototo	notifications.	Programming	languages:	Forran	(developed	by	IBM)	and	Cobol	(developed	by	Dr.	Grace
  Murray	Hopper)	according	to	this	approach.	These	programming	structures	were	developed	in	the	late	1970s	and	1980s.	There	wasSome	problems	with	these	languages,	although	they	met	the	criteria	of	well-structured	programs,	software,	etc.,	were	not	as	structured	as	required	at	the	time.	They	seem	too	generalized	and	do	not	correlate	with	real-
  time	applications.	To	solve	these	problems,	OOP,	an	object-oriented	approach,	was	developed	as	a	solution.	The	concept	of	OOP	was	mainly	designed	to	overcome	the	lack	of	the	aforementioned	programming	methodologies,	which	were	not	as	close	to	real	applications	as	they	were	to	real	applications.	Demand	was	increased,	but	regular	methods	were
  still	used.	This	new	approach	revolutionized	programming	methodology.	Object	Oriented	Programming	(OOP)	is	nothing	but	what	allows	you	to	write	programs	using	certain	classes	and	objects	in	real	time.	We	can	say	that	this	approach	is	very	close	to	the	real	world	and	its	applications	because	the	state	and	behavior	of	these	classes	and	objects	are
  almost	the	same	as	real	world	objects.	Let's	dive	into	the	general	OOP	concepts	listed	below:	What	is	a	class	and	an	object?	This	is	a	basic	concept	of	OOP;	An	extended	concept	of	a	structure	used	in	C.	This	is	an	abstract	and	user	defined	data	type.	It	consists	of	several	variables	and	functions.	The	main	purpose	of	a	class	is	to	store	data	and
  information.	The	members	of	a	class	determine	the	behavior	of	the	class.	A	class	is	the	blueprint	of	an	object,	but	we	can	also	say	that	the	implementation	of	a	class	is	an	object.	The	class	is	not	visible	to	the	world,	but	there	is	an	object.	class	Car	{	int	car_id;	carlace	color	[4];	float	engine	number;	double	distance;	invalid	distance_traveled	();	float
  petro_used();	char	music_player();	Void	Display	();}	Here	the	car	class	has	properties	CAR_ID,	Color,	Engine_no	and	distance.	It	looks	like	a	real	car	with	the	same	characteristics	that	can	be	declared	as	public	(visible	to	everyone	outside	the	class),	protected	and	private	(invisible	to	anyone).	In	addition,	there	are	several	methods	such	as
  distance_travelled(),	petro_used(),	music_player(),	and	display().	In	the	code	below,	car	is	the	class	and	C1	is	the	car	object.	#include	Using	car	std;	class	{	public:	int	car_id;	double	distance;	invalid	distance_traveled	();	Void	display	(int	a,	int	b)	{	cout
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...Oops programming questions in java on concepts concept advanced interview program example basic the design oriented only started from moment when computers were invented was there and approach appeared picture is essentially certain instructions for computer at beginning of time usually limited to machine languages language consists that are characteristic a or processor form s these bite sequences however it quite difficult write develop software fact not possible used modern scenarios with this main reason why programmers switched next generation programs developed assemblers who close enough english understand easily assembly discussions microprocessors invention microprocessor tongue flourished ruled industry but here too came something new i e h structured procedural principle distribution into functions modules use makes more understandable readable helps cleaner code get module control receives data focuses development large applications c operating system pascal introduced nikl...

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