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picture1_Design Patterns Pdf 183412 | 3f6 5 Design Patterns

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File: Design Patterns Pdf 183412 | 3f6 5 Design Patterns
design patterns elena punskaya elena punskaya eng cam ac uk 2012 2013 elena punskaya 1 cambridge university engineering department design patterns software systems can be very large and very complex ...

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...Design patterns elena punskaya eng cam ac uk cambridge university engineering department software systems can be very large and complex however we often nd the same architectural structures occurring repeatedly with subtle variations created in response to commonly recurring problems these solutions identied recorded as this course will look at a few of most common two aims explain how use specic designs communicating about that uses them introduce language illustrate more general benets from thinking construction way comprehensive set found elements reusable object oriented erich gamma et al addison wesley aka gang four gof book which describes detail why while projects are diverse conceptually there many things desired have notication when something happens yes observer undo last operation memento command access all collection sequential order iterator build an effective system allows us display manipulate data indeed model view controller mvc modern programming languages implement l...

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