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picture1_Programming Pdf 183363 | Lecture 1

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File: Programming Pdf 183363 | Lecture 1
12 02 2014 iinnttrroodduuctctiioonn ttoo pprrooggrraammmmiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg aanndd ccoommppuutteerr aarrchchiitteectctuurree richard bowden richard bowden r bowden surrey ac uk r bowden surrey ac uk rm 37ab05 rm 37ab05 www surrey ...

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...Iinnttrroodduuctctiioonn ttoo pprrooggrraammmmiinngg aanndd ccoommppuutteerr aarrchchiitteectctuurree richard bowden r surrey ac uk rm ab www personal how many people have programmed before what languages c or can anyone name any other programming why some find natural learning a language doesn t necessarily make you programmer the only way to learn is do it brief history of programme in late s bcpl designed by martin richards cambridge advantages based on b was ken thompson real world widely available and popular at bell labs for systems with professional small efficient powerful flexible dennis ritchie has been standardised making more portable than writing unix operating system gained wide popularity close computer hardware revealing underlying architecture ansi standard x provides enough low level access be suitable embedded adopted as an international iso high allowing complex constructed minimum effort minor amendments made standards disadvantages modular approach suits large mul...

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