computer science csiti computer fundamentals and programming in c total teaching hours semester 60 no of lecture hours week 04 1 computer fundamentals introduction to computers 02 evolution of computers ...
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...Computer science csiti fundamentals and programming in c total teaching hours semester no of lecture week introduction to computers evolution generation classification analog digital hybrid according size super mainframe personal different types terminals characteristics block diagram number system codes systems their conversions decimal binary octal hexadecimal s complement floating point numbers coding bcd gray ascii ebcdic boolean algebra gate networks fundamental concepts inverter gates or nand nor x the universal property basic laws demorgans theorems simplification expression karnugh map sop combinational logic adders half full decoder encoder multiplexer de introductory only flip flops sr d jk edge triggered master slave registers counters organization instruction format addressing modes set memory hierarchy primary volatile non volatiole ram rom eprom eeprom secondary floppy disk hard input output devices keyboard mouse vdu printers languages software application structured alg...