chapter2 pythonprogrammingforphysicists urfirst item of business is to learn how to write computer programs in othepythonprogramminglanguage python is easy to learn simple to use and enormously powerful it has facilities ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter pythonprogrammingforphysicists urfirst item of business is to learn how write computer programs in othepythonprogramminglanguage python easy simple use and enormously powerful it has facilities features for performing tasks many kinds you can do art or engineering surf the web calculate your taxes words music make a movie next billion dollar internet start up wewillnotattempttolearnaboutallofpython sfeatures however butrestrict ourselves those that are most useful doing physics calculations we will about core structure language rst put together instructions program but also some life computational physicist easier suchasfeaturesfordoingcalculationswithvectorsandmatrices andfeatures making graphs graphics other more specialized still occasionally physicists not be covered here luckily there excellent documentation available on line so if s something want explained this book i encourage see what nd good place when looking forinformationaboutpythonistheofcialpythonwebsiteatwww org...