it 2670 c c programming language 1 it 2670 c c programming language cuyahoga community college viewing it 2670 c c programming language board of trustees november 2019 academic term ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...It c programming language cuyahoga community college viewing board of trustees november academic term fall subject code information technology course number title catalog description introduction to using the and languages emphasizing program development design debugging techniques common basics topics include object oriented concepts including classes objects attributes methods communication structured control statements conditions loops data structures collections types functions argument passing arrays strings les credit hour s lecture lab requisites prerequisite corequisite logic outcomes outcome demonstrate ability analyze implement solutions problems objective express test debug correct create executable programs differentiate current standard practices utilized in software engineering an understanding accepted style conventions documentation correctly syntax function calls le handling explain relationship evaluation class participation discussion oral or written reports homework...