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picture1_Programming Pdf 182476 | Lecture12 Cxnhg72

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File: Programming Pdf 182476 | Lecture12 Cxnhg72
modernisation of higher education in central asia through new technologies hiedtec objected oriented programming lecture12 procedure procedure a procedure allows us to group a block of code under a name ...

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...Modernisation of higher education in central asia through new technologies hiedtec objected oriented programming lecture procedure a allows us to group block code under name known as pr ocedure we can call the from anywhere program exe cute instructions it contains also pass values chang e how works this example i want print squares numbers is called output will given number and its square def squared start main while multiple parameters parameter variable or variables that get passed you require more than one for counter range many like long set up correctly optional once have defined ways grade score feedback well done scored which c rubbish few they re right order means plan quite carefully references turkmenistanyn konstitusiyasy agabat tdng prezidenti gurbanguly malikgulyyewic berdimuhamedowy gysgaca terjimehaly asgabat berdimuhamedow garasyzlyga guwanmak watany halky soymek bagtdyr parahatcylyk doredijilik progres syyasatyny dabaralanmagy saylany ynam bildireni john shovic alan s...

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